Tag Archives: Mercedes

Update :)

I just wanted to let you girls know that I have decided to become a Pure Romance consultant!!! And I am super excited about it, and I hope to share more about it with you.

And really, the reason why I did it was because I am tired of relying SOLEY on Starbucks for my income. Waking up at 3am is really starting to take a toll on me… So my goal with this business is to be able to work from home. My sponsor is a stay-at-home mom with 3 young children and she makes crazy money! I can totally do that! I want to be able to stay home whenever Jon and I decide to start a family. I don’t want to have to work to pay for childcare. 

So if you ladies see any of my Pure Romance posts on here or Facebook, click like? It’ll make me feel better πŸ˜€

XOXO Mercedes


I might have to officially admit that I’m lactose intolerant *waaaahhhh*

BUUUUUT…… it may be because of coffee. And that would be an absolute travesty. A TRAVESTY! Because. I. Really. Really. LOVE. My. Friggin. Coffee!

I’ll have to run a couple experiments (at the expense of my insides), and hopefully I’ll only have to limit my dairy intake and not my coffee. Because life with no coffee….. no thanks.

XOXO Mercedes

November 4th is tomorrow!!!

Just a little reminder.

Trust me, it’s better toΒ NOT vote if you have no clue what the issues are…. But why not take the time to learn about them? I think I just might vote this time O_o


XOXO Mercedes



My dear ladies, I don’t think you truly understand just how excited I am for this blog to be up and running!!! And also, who doesn’t love to take a peek into another’s mind?

I don’t believe there should be many guidelines or strict adherences…. I’d say bare minimum is one (1) post per month. Otherwise, feel free to post what you will. Feel like asking us questions or whatnot here instead of the BookFace or texts, go for it. Favorite video or the week: share it!! Need to unburden your heart; you can be absolutely positive that we are here for you. Secret poet or songwriter? Share it! There’s an option to make specific posts private to the public, so don’t be too scared.

In other news, I’m going to Starbucks. Then I’m headed over to the National Museum of the Marine Corps. The Quantico Marine Corps Band is having a concert with The Band of HM Royal Marines. It should be good!

Have fun making this blog our own!!

XOXO Mercedes